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As a young organization we work hard to measure our impact on both the land and the communities we work with. We have analyzed the projected impact of our ecological restoration efforts, community infastructure and arts and music projects.
900 impacted family members
*Ngobe Textiles Centre (240 family members), Inin Rao Arts Centre (500 family members), Boruca Cultural Centre (160 family members)
200 international visitors per year &
100 indigenous native visitors per year*
* visitors to Ngobe Textiles Centre, Boruca Cultural Ranch & Inin Rao Arts Centre
$200,000 per annum in product sales*
* Inin Rao Arts Centre: On average 1000 per learner per year, 30,000 products per year
$ per year - equivalent value $5 per product - $150,000 in product sales per year
* Ngobe Textiles Center: Based on 50 products per year per learner / 2000 products per year / $20 per product* Boruca Cultural Centre: $100 per peroduct / 100 sales per year
$5,000 per annum in international visits
Average of $50 per visitor , 100 visitors per year
30 women weavers + 90 learners per year
of the Inin Rao Arts Centre & Ngobe Textiles Centre
6,500 trees planted in 4 projects
* Aledia Pinuya (5000), Aldeia Shukuvena (1000), Boruca Culrtural Centre (500)
4.5 hectares reforested
* Aledia Pinuya (2 hectares), Aldeia Shukuvena (1 hectare), Boruca Culrtural Centre (0.5 hectare)
Projected biodiversity increase by 20-30%*
*Project in initial stages. Data is based on projected results.
Expected soil permeability to increase by 25-35%*
*Project in initial stages. Data is based on projected results.
Increase local stream flows by as much as 10-15% in the dry season*
*Project in initial stages. Data is based on projected results.
Increase atmospheric moisture by 20-30% over time, leading to improved rainfall patterns*
*Project in initial stages. Data is based on projected results.
Up to a 10% reduction in flood incidents due to improved water absorption and slower water runoff rates*
*Project in initial stages. Data is based on projected results.
Food yields ranging from around 20 lbs (9 kg)l to 600 lbs (270 kg) per tree, per year*
*Project in initial stages. Data is based on projected results.
1000 community members able to be naturally medicated
by the Inin Rao Plants Pharmacy
3 arts & cultural centres built*
*Ngobe Textiles Centre, Inin Rao Arts Centre, Boruca Cultural Centre
3 international music releases
1.5M listeners globally*
* Estimated listerners for 3 releases on Spotify & Bandcamp
200 native instruments recorded
20 events & festivals attended
Upwards of 10,000 people listening to indigenous music and wisdom through presentations and events participation*
* based on unique listeners on release networks and attendees to events and festivals
Registered under 501c3 Grow Jungles Nonprofit Organization © 2022
# 1479, 1954 Airport Road, Atlanta, GA 30341
Donations are tax deductible